The Garden at 485 Elm
People growing together:
a collaborative community garden in Montpelier, Vermont

Planting peas and parsnips

20160416_142317 Everyone shoveling

We turned over two rows of earth that had already been prepped for peas and parsnips.

Tori & Ned plant

Tori and Ned broadcast peas.

20160416_150038 Ned & Chris build trellis

Ned and Chris place rebar for trellis for the very tall peas.

20160416_150805 Bernice, Tori, Bruce, Andrea plant

Planting parsnip seeds on both sides of a pea trellis.

20160416_163406 Tori as Jason waters

Tori chats with Jason who is watering the newly planted peas and parsnips.


20160416_162206 Bernice & hanging sheets

Bernice hangs last year’s row cover out to dry. We completed the pea and parsnip work so efficiently that we dug into some garden cleanup.

20160416_164150 Parsnips in wheelbarrow

These parsnips that overwintered are now sweet as candy.

20160416_164239 Parsnips intertwined

Parsnips form interesting relationships. Also, note the top leaves so that when they grow up on either side of the peas, they won’t be mistaken for weeds.