The Garden at 485 Elm
People growing together:
a collaborative community garden in Montpelier, Vermont

Changes Coming in Compostville

Compostville 2015: The first iteration

The Garden at 485 Elm began composting food scraps and garden waste in 2014. In that first growing season, we cobbled together some pallets and threw everything in them. It wasn’t hot composting, but we kept our food scraps and lawn waste to ourselves.

Our first Compost Coordinator led a redesign and rebuild of Compostville two seasons ago. Read about it here.

2016 Compostville 2.0 — a good design we’ll soon be rejiggering completely

Now bigger changes are afoot. The New England Grassroots Environment Fund (NEGEF) awarded The Garden at 485 Elm a grant to participate as a pilot project site for Food Scrap Composting in Community Gardens, in partnership with

Learn more about this project here.

We have an enthusiastic Compost Team, a Compost Steward, and volunteers from the UVM Master Composter program. (The Garden is a certified Master Composter and Master Gardener volunteer site.)

Chris, our Compost Team Leader, shows the team the compost thermometer and compost documentation log.

We’ll be recording activities such as turning the compost, the compost temperature, volume in, volume out, compost recipes, and more.