Thanks to the generosity of High Mowing Organic Seeds in Wolcott, Vermont, The Garden at 485 Elm has a great supply of seeds to start our 2015 planting.
Our acceptance letter said that High Mowing Organic Seeds will ship donations if recipients pay shipping fees. Alternatively, we could drive to Wolcott and pick up the seeds at no charge.
It was a beautiful, sunny day for a drive. Going in person gave Chris and me the opportunity to paw through the bin and pick out the seeds our garden needs most.
We stopped in Hardwick for a delicious lunch full of local ingredients at the
Buffalo Mountain Co-op. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that some of the kale, collards, tomatoes, herbs, and other ingredients in our food had been grown from High Mowing seeds.
Learn more about High Mowing Organic Seeds’ support for local food efforts here.