Coming soon and ready now
The garden is exploding with food. This blog’s update frequency occurs in inverse proportion to the amount of garden activity because time is a limited commodity.
Coming later this week: Cherry Tomatoes, Ground Cherries, Tomatillos, and more.
Here are garden sights from July 21, 2015:
Colleen clears a plot in Bed 8 for planting
Cindy points to a plot in Bed 8 where planting will commence: Beets, Carrots, Daikons, Radishes, Turnips
Bed 8: Beautiful Borage
Bed 8 Garlic chives, tender and delicious. Tuukka, in the background, takes a break from eating pea shells.
In a square box against the fence, tiny yellow squash are ready to eat
Zucchini plants coming along in Bed 3