But not by itself. It’s the magic of gardeners coming together to do what needs to be done.
Gardeners arrive by various conveyances
Everyone eagerly gets to work. These gardeners are amending soil to help the plants thrive.
Some work is heavy, like shoveling dirt for new garden beds.
Skill, muscle, and coordinated teamwork are required to measure, cut, move, and assemble new raised beds.
Some work is about the future, like pulling this year’s cilantro plants and separating out the coriander seeds, a fragrant task.
Seeds for planting, plants for composting.
Cooling off includes sipping water infused with fresh cucumber slices, dill, and mint from the garden.
This year’s garlic has been harvested and dried in the barn of one of the gardeners here. Now it’s come back, where it was trimmed, brushed off, and divided into shares for the gardeners. In some ways, this garden is like a CSA.
Garlic and shallot shares await their gardeners.