We knew this day was coming. This weekend’s forecast is for hard frost. Amid the raindrops this afternoon, a few wet snowflakes fell. By day’s end, humans and the weather had transformed the garden again.

Sophi wheels zucchini plants to the compost. When we were pulling up those plants, I gleaned one last zucchini hiding underneath.
Bernice harvests leeks ahead of tonight’s hard frost.

A rare moment of sunshine highlights the layered “lasagna” compost. Last year’s compost is nearly finished for spreading.

Bernice is doing one of our least favorite jobs, because it’s one we’re still working on avoiding the need to do: Painstakingly separating pole bean plants from the string trellis they grew on.

A Chinese dragon processional brings row cover to the brassica and leafy greens. We’ll harvest greens, Brussels sprouts, and more right into December.

Hard frost is coming tonight. Chris has turned off the well pump. He separated the hoses from the pump and played a game of telephone with himself, listening for the water to finish draining so he could roll them up and and put them away.

It looks like a different garden. In the foreground are tomato trellises. At back left are Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbages. On the right are kale, chard, peas, and lots of other delicious greens.

Frost protection: The white fabric is covering peas and new beet plantings. The black plastic is covering tomatillo plants and ground cherry plants. We’ve been picking fruit off those plants since august, and lots more has yet to ripen.