We got together on Saturday morning and late Sunday afternoon, which is our work party pattern. We ended Sunday evening with a delicious potluck.

After gardeners weeded the onion bed, they mounded dirt around any exposed bulbs, then added more hay mulch.

Onion tops are delicious. Use them like scallion greens. The onion bulbs will continue growing under the ground just fine.

A gardener suggested we grow French sorrel. Delicious! We ate a large salad of these crisp leaves last night. Even the stems are tender and tasty.

A garden task yields food: After cutting the flowering stalks out of the French sorrel bed, I plucked all these delicious leaves and made salad.

We had one unplanted row remaining. Hardly anyone is still selling crop seedlings. We were lucky to find these Black Beauty eggplants. Half price, too.

It’s bug-picking time. Gardeners use tape to remove squash bug & cucumber beetle eggs from the underside of cucumber leaves.

Mulching yellow summer squash and replanting beets that never germinated. This season, we’ve replanted beets, carrots, pole beans, bush beans, and kale.

Picking lettuces, herbs, and lemon balm for the Unitarian Church of Montpelier’s free community lunch. This garden donates fresh food to the free community lunches at the Unitarian Church on Mondays and the Christ Episcopal Church on Wednesdays. Free community lunches in our area: https://www.cvcoa.org/community-meals.html

Melchi is one of our most treasured garden visitors. Here, Melchi soaks up affection from Hannah and Jasmine.