The Changing of the Garden
We’ve been harvesting food for ourselves and for donation for over a month. Now early summer crops are giving way to the lush food that ripens mid-summer.

Pea season is coming to an end. The vines are yellowing and producing less. We are savoring every last delicious pea.

Yellow squash, zucchini, patty pan squash, and cucumbers are ripening fast. We know they haven’t peaked because we can still keep up with harvesting.

We’re eating lots of beets and brassica.

Beets and chard are plentiful.

Our beets are sweet and tender, and need nothing added to enjoy them at their most delicious.

Hot and sweet peppers are ripening beautifully. We get a few each week.

When gardeners here harvest food, we take home what we’ll eat and leave the rest on the gardener table for everyone to share.