Tomatillos, okra, and the promise of Brussels sprouts
We’re past summer and the days are suddenly shorter. But we haven’t had our first frost.

The evening before the intense heat broke into more fall-like conditions, Lori thins densely planted Asian cabbage. We added them to the donation she delivered to Christ Episcopal Church the next morning for their free community lunch.

Finding lots of food to harvest is easy this time of year. Summer squash continue to grow, winter squashes are slowly ripening, and beans and greens are profuse. Other crops are nearly done. Today we pulled the last cucumber plants and the tomato plants will come out soon.

Our okra plants have beautiful flowers.

Will our tomatillos be ready to pick before the first frost?

Brussels sprouts taste best after a good, hard frost. Most 485 Elm Gardeners wait until November to take their stalks. I’ve harvested them from under the snow as late as February. This year, the sprouts are forming slowly. Our brassica endured early assaults from flea beetles this season.