Past peak, but still growing
Garden productivity has peaked for the season. Where once walls of tomato plants stood, there is open air and cleared beds just planted with cover crop seed. Food remains abundant, though not as varied. There’s more planting to be done.

Final bush bean picking.

Final delicata squash harvest and clearing of the beds.

Today’s haul: Final butternut, pattypan, and delicata squashes; final bush beans, and garlic “seconds.” The basket of medium hot peppers is not the end. We’ll harvest more before frost.

Maya prefers the delicata squash to the medium-hot peppers.

More planting to come. Gardeners measure garlic beds to determine how many seeds we need.

Garden work party tasks include harvesting for our kitchens. Our greens are abundant and more delicious than ever.

The tomato plants have left the garden. A gardener placed these Sun Gold cherry tomatoes in the shed to continue ripening without frost damage. Tomorrow we might have our first frost.