Prepping and Planting: A Garden Takes Shape
It rained and there was the vague threat of a thunderstorm. Still, gardeners came, dug, and planted together.

Chris deep-spades a row in preparation for planting carrots. Ned Plants broccoli rabe.

Liz selects carrot seeds from the garden’s file of seeds, most of which are donated by generous seed companies*. First, Chris deep-spaded the row to fluff the soil. Then Liz raked composted horse manure over the row. Finally, she planted four lines of carrot seeds in the row.

Last year’s pole bean support needed the posts hammered in and the trellis secured back onto the posts. Gardeners began on it last week. Today, these gardeners completed it.

The garden is full for the season. Our Gardener “Facebook” is filling in, too.