We planted this kale in late summer 2017. We harvested it that fall. Garden season ended, and we covered our box beds of greens and put the garden to bed. We opened the garden for the 2018 season and discovered that this kale had overwintered. It was tender and sweet. It still is, ten months after being planted. But now it’s time to pull it out and replant this box, perhaps with arugula, Romaine, or . . . ?

We pulled the kale plants and brought them to the Unitarian Church of Montpelier’s free community lunch, which they serve every Monday. You should sample this friendly, delicious offering! Today, the tender, delicious kale of 2017 will feed community members in 2018. Did you know that every part of the plant is edible? Enjoy any part that’s appealing — leaves, flowers, stalks.