The Garden at 485 Elm
People growing together:
a collaborative community garden in Montpelier, Vermont

Spring Planting Is Here

Thanks to generous donations, we have delicious peas and seed for many other crops to grow.
The peas are planted and the soil is being mulched. This holds the moisture so the peas require less watering in the hot sun. Mulch also suppresses weeds.
Radish seeds get planted three fingers apart.
In our beds of salad and leafy greens, beets, and more, plastic cover will hold in the moisture and protect the baby plants on frosty nights.
Next up in garden tasks: Tickle the Garlic!
The garlic has been tickled free!
Even with no label, an alert gardener found food in this box bed. Last season, garlic grew here. A handful of delicious young garlic from last year’s crop became this year’s dinner.