The Garden at 485 Elm
People growing together:
a collaborative community garden in Montpelier, Vermont

Planting Trees

Food and flowers aren’t all we plant here at the Garden at 485 Elm. The “back 40” is what we call the 7/10 of an acre beyond the garden fence. It had been lawn for over half a century. In 2015, we partnered with Friends of the Winooski River and U.S. Fish & Wildlife biologists to turn over the soil and plant a riparian buffer and native plantings attractive to pollinators.

This bag contains 21 trees that, before long, will not fit into any bag.

This season, we welcome a new partnership with Mother Up!: Families Rise Up for Climate Action, an initiative of 350 Vermont. Volunteers touched our hearts with stories connecting the forest devastation to the decimation of indigenous peoples. Deep facts about Reforesting Vermont is part of climate justice, remembering the past while creating a more sustainable world for future generations.

We dug holes, gently placed the baby trees in them, watered the trees, and mulched them with wood chips.
Spending another beautiful day by the river helps the river and all of us.