The Garden at 485 Elm
People growing together:
a collaborative community garden in Montpelier, Vermont

Planting Potatoes

Gardeners dug eight trenches and turned compost into the soil.
Planting potatoes while prepping new trenches.
Gardeners planted seed potatoes in six of the eight trenches—two furrows each of Chieftain, Kennebec, and Superior varieties. If we score more seed, the last two will hold potatoes. If not, there are always more veggies to grow.
Meanwhile, the garlic is looking luscious and it was time to lay the drip hose for irrigation. Behind the garlic bed, gardeners planted broccoli raab and baby bok choi, which got a good watering along with all the other greens we’ve planted so far: arugula, collard greens, kale, lettuces, mesclun mix, mustard greens, and more.
Before planting comes weeding. This young gardener rescued violets from beds being turned to receive onion and shallot seedlings. Some went home to live her special garden bed; the rest are on offer to 485 Elm gardeners.
The garden is starting to look more like its early growing season self.