In Which College Students Transform the Garden
Each garden season as the fall college semester approaches, students participating in the University of Vermont TREK program arrive at the garden. The Garden at 485 Elm is so lucky to be a destination for TREK service volunteers! Several 485 Elm gardeners joined the...
What else is growing at the garden?
Tomato planting time
It's a huge planting week at The Garden at 485 Elm. We're planting squash, cucumber, peppers, herbs, and . . . tomatoes! We purchased our tomato and pepper seedlings at Ananda Gardens, an organic grower in Montpelier who also offers a wonderful CSA. Watch the video...
More planting
We've put in more veggies and started adding herbs. Our biggest planting days are still ahead of us.
Planting Commences
May 1 brings an escalation of garden activity.
Spring Harvest: Jerusalem Artichokes
Spring food in the garden
Gardener at 485 Elm Diana Baron, a student at the Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, contributed these words and photos, except for Good King Henry image from Wikimedia Commons. Though we've just put our first seeds in the ground, there are already things to...
Planting Peas, Greens, and Brassica
Much planting happened in the garden on this cool and rainy final day of April.
1st Work Party: Parsnip Harvest and More
It was a day in the dirt. Several gardeners were at the Climate March here and Montpelier and in Washington, D.C., while some of us worked for the earth right here at the Garden at 485 Elm.
Pre-Work Party gardening with the Garden Teams
Registered gardeners at the Garden at 485 Elm are welcome to simply show up, check the task board, and get gardening. But gardeners who want to help plan and organize the garden participate in one or more teams: Soil Health, Compost, and Garden Planning &...
Early days in the garden season
The Garden at 485 Elm will hold our first work parties at the end of April. The new garden leadership teams are assessing the needs and planning the big planting days to come.
Our Garden’s Compostville in UVM Ext. Master Gardener News
Press release from the University of Vermont Extension Master Gardener program: COMMUNITY GARDEN PROJECT TURNS FOOD SCRAPS INTO BLACK GOLD Montpelier--When gardeners return to The Garden at 485 Elm in Montpelier next spring, they'll have a ready supply of "black gold"...