The Garden at 485 Elm
People growing together:
A collaborative community garden in Montpelier, Vermont

Welcome to The Garden!

Garlic to Seed and to Feed

Garlic to Seed and to Feed

Garlic harvest day included the last of the onions. The gorgeous harvest yielded robust shares of garlic and onions for gardeners here and for the Montpelier Food Pantry as well as our entire stock of garlic seed, which we'll plant later in the fall. Garlic heads pull...

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What else is growing at the garden?

The garden all snug in its bed — asleep, but never dead

The garden all snug in its bed — asleep, but never dead

This is the quiet period between the end of the 2016 season, officially on Dec. 31, and the beginning of the 2017 season, on Jan. 1. We've pulled out spent crops, spread cover-crop seed, raked leaves over the beds, and turned the compost. But the garden is merely...

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River Discovery Walk Discoveries

River Discovery Walk Discoveries

On a beautiful late summer Saturday morning, naturalist and gardener at 485 Elm, Ned Swanberg, introduced us to flora, fauna, and the river itself. We heard bird calls, identified native, exotic, and invasive plants, and found connections between our watershed and the...

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Feeding the community

Feeding the community

According to Hunger Free Vermont: One in five Vermont children experiences hunger or food hardship. To help increase food security, Montpelier offers free community meals every day of the week. Every growing season, the Garden at 485 Elm contributes food to Central...

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Fall Water Fest fills September

Fall Water Fest fills September

The festival runs until October 1. The organizers describe Fall Water Fest as: An exploration through music, the arts, poetry, and various outdoor explorations of the value and symbolism of water and of our need to protect it from pollution, privatization of the...

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A big-deal work party

A big-deal work party

Food ready to eat is the most exciting. We planted more food to extend the season. And we moved something very large.                                          ...

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Video:  Compostville Has Moved

Video: Compostville Has Moved

"Not too shabby." That's what Hannah said at the end of this video, though you can't hear her. Hannah is right. Today Hannah, John, and Chris relocated Compostville. It's now away from our neighbor's fence and the Japanese knotweed infestation. The food scraps are in...

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Join us for a River Discovery Walk

Join us for a River Discovery Walk

As part of Fall Water Fest (complete schedule below), at 9 a.m. on Saturday, September 17, we'll meet at the Garden at 485 Elm Street, and walk until approximately 11 a.m. We’ll look for late summer changes along the river.  What is fruiting, flying, feeding? What...

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