The Garden at 485 Elm
People growing together:
A collaborative community garden in Montpelier, Vermont

Welcome to The Garden!

A Flurry of Spring Planting

A Flurry of Spring Planting

Gardeners planted arugula, carrots, chard, kale, mustard greens, pac choi, snap and snow peas, and spinach in beds that had been covered in leaf mulch for the winter. They created narrow furrows, they mixed in compost, and dropped in the seeds. Finally, they watered...

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What else is growing at the garden?

Spring Reveal

Spring Reveal

French sorrel is the first crop we see each spring, and one of the last to go before winter. Garlic planted last fall is starting to peek out from under its winter blanket of leaves, much like us gardeners. These carrots overwintered. They'll be sweet and delicious...

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Winter Gardening Dreams

Winter Gardening Dreams

While the garden is under many inches of snow, we have already begun the 2019 season. Our first garden potluck at the 2019 season. No surprise that this gardening group loves enjoying food together. Even in January, we enjoy pesto with garden basil, greens, and...

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Compostville 3.0

Compostville 3.0

Have you seen Compostville lately? It's another area of the Garden at 485 Elm, transformed. Did you know that food makes up about 21% of "trash" in the United States. Vermont's Act 148: Universal Recycling & Composting Law mandates that by 2020, food scraps from...

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Planting Garlic

Planting Garlic

On a Saturday in late October, we began planting garlic seed at eight in the morning. We had stay ahead of incoming snow and sleet. Garlic is one crop we grow seed for right here in the garden. We also acquire high-quality organic garlic seed from local growers.

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Growing to Give

Growing to Give

Every season, we donate fresh, organic food grown right here in The Garden at 485 Elm to local organizations that feed community members. This year, more than forty pounds of fresh, organic garden food went to the Montpelier Food Pantry. Caitlin Roseen, who is...

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Discoveries Along the River

Discoveries Along the River

On a beautiful September evening, naturalist Ned Swanberg led gardeners and visitors through the diverse life along the North Branch, where the Garden at 485 Elm grows.

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Beautifying the Garden’s Public Face

Beautifying the Garden’s Public Face

Since our first season (2014), the Garden at 485 Elm has had a perennial bed between the garden fence and the sidewalk. The garden serves several roles. The primary role is producing food together, for each other and for donation to other community members. Another...

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Join Us for a River Discovery Walk

Join Us for a River Discovery Walk

Naturalist and 485 Elm gardener Ned Swanberg will lead us in looking for late summer changes along the river. What:  River Discovery Walk Along the North Branch When:  Thursday, September Sep 13, 5:30-7 p.m. Where:  Meet at the Garden at 485 Elm in Montpelier The...

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The Garden Turns September

The Garden Turns September

In early September, the garden's generations within the season are in full swing. It's full of food ready to eat and blooming flowers with more coming along. We're putting beds to bed, too.  

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