The Garden at 485 Elm
People growing together:
A collaborative community garden in Montpelier, Vermont

Welcome to The Garden!

Harvesting, Processing, Cooking, and Eating Edamame

Harvesting, Processing, Cooking, and Eating Edamame

Most of the garden's edamame was ready to harvest. These green plants in the foreground will grow a while longer, but the yellow plants you see the gardeners working on, and the ones way in the background between them, were ripe and ready. Instead of pulling out whole...

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What else is growing at the garden?

This workshop is full!  Free Backyard Composting Workshop

This workshop is full! Free Backyard Composting Workshop

This workshop is full.  Please stay tuned for additional opportunities. If you registered before the cutoff, please walk or bicycle if possible. Drivers, please park on another street to save the few driveway spots for those cannot walk as far. Love food, hate waste?...

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Bye-Bye Peas, Hello Squash

Bye-Bye Peas, Hello Squash

Gardeners and garden visitors have commented that our pea season seemed to last an unusually long time. Well, peas are over. And so much more is ready!

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Garlic Harvest

Garlic Harvest

We garden together every Tuesday evening, weather permitting. Here's what we did yesterday. Garlic is ready to harvest when lots of other crops are ready, too.  

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The Changing of the Garden

The Changing of the Garden

We've been harvesting food for ourselves and for donation for over a month. Now early summer crops are giving way to the lush food that ripens mid-summer.

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How We Communicate: “Now Harvesting”

How We Communicate: “Now Harvesting”

In The Garden at 485 Elm, everyone grows all crops together. Everyone picks from the same beds of greens, the same tomato plants, the same herb boxes. One of the most common questions about the garden is, "How do you divide the food shares?" There's plenty of food for...

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Midsummer Days Gardening

Midsummer Days Gardening

We got together on Saturday morning and late Sunday afternoon, which is our work party pattern. We ended Sunday evening with a delicious potluck.

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Donations: Feeding the Community

Donations: Feeding the Community

Once crops are producing plentifully, we donate to organizations feeding community members in need. In addition to being a gleaning partner of Community Harvest of Central Vermont in our first season, we've donated to the free community lunches at the Unitarian Church...

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More food ripening

More food ripening

For a while, we ate fresh greens. We tended other crop plants and thought about them as future food. Now the future is starting to arrive.

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