The Garden at 485 Elm
People growing together:
A collaborative community garden in Montpelier, Vermont

Welcome to The Garden!

Delicious Garden Tasks

Delicious Garden Tasks

Each garlic plant is sending out a scape. Harvesting the scapes prevents the garlic from growing a big flower, which would draw energy away from the garlic bulb, our target crop. When the scapes are mature as in the photo, gardeners snip or snap the scape off close to...

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What else is growing at the garden?



Pardon us for talking with our mouths full.  That's where things are at -- bursting with ripeness and fresh flavor.  We did this together.                                  ...

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Work Day!

Work Day!

In the garden, every day is work day.  But when we convene as a group, we get a lot done together.  And have fun, too.                                          ...

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Young Hacks Academy: Thinking Outside the Garden

Young Hacks Academy: Thinking Outside the Garden

On July 22, The Garden at 485 Elm's garden coordinator, Cindy Delfino, led a session at Young Hacks Academy in Montpelier. Cindy had accepted an invitation to present the group of slightly-younger-than-tweens with a problem to solve. Many in the group had some garden...

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Gleaning — Feeding Those in Need While Improving the Garden

Gleaning — Feeding Those in Need While Improving the Garden

Now, this is partnership. Today Community Harvest of Central Vermont gleaned 40 pounds of food in less than two hours.  They left The Garden at 485 Elm in better condition than they found it.  In fact, the garden hardly looks touched except where a few entirely...

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How was that herb walk?

How was that herb walk?

Gardeners from The Garden at 485 Elm gathered on a warm, sunny Saturday for a guided tour, tasting, and tincture-making led by Lroy, our herb garden gnome goddess and a second-year student at The Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism.        ...

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Community Garden Herb Walk on Saturday (7/26)

Community Garden Herb Walk on Saturday (7/26)

Our community garden herbalist will guide us through the herb garden she planned and planted.  We'll learn more about the herbs that are growing there, what they are good for, and how they become therapeutic plant-based medicine.  Lroy is a second-year student at the...

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Take that, deer!

Take that, deer!

We have deer fence, thanks to the City of Montpelier's Parks Department's generous support of local community gardens.                  

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Knee-high by the 4th of July

Knee-high by the 4th of July

And then some. Jason and I planted the third section of corn. Jason staked out the rows and put in many seeds. The second section of corn is knee high. the first section? Chest high at least. Sweet corn's a-comin'.

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Ancient Sage

Ancient Sage

This sage is growing in the herb garden plot of The Garden at 485 Elm. The wood it's growing from is as much as 150 years old. In the 1880s, a man named Mitchell built a 2-room cabin in Cambridge, New York. When the town began water service, Mr. Mitchell added a...

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Super Sunday

Super Sunday

The gardeners at The Garden at 485 Elm had a very productive Sunday. In addition to completing immediate, ongoing needs like weeding, the team worked all day and brought longer-term projects to completion.                  ...

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