Memorial Day Weekend Garden Scramble
Memorial Day weekend is a huge gardening time for Vermonters. We're no exception. The weekend began on Friday at Cate Farm, where these great folks grew the garden's seedlings for basil (Italian, cinnamon, lemon, and Thai), Sungold cherry tomatoes, chili peppers...
What else is growing at the garden?
This Is Us: Vermont’s New Composting Law
Food waste costs everyone shocking amounts of money, seriously harms the environment, and—not for nothing—wastes food. Vermont's new ban on food scraps in the trash aims to remedy that. Much of this short, important story was recorded right here....
Summer Squash: It Begins
It starts with a couple of fruit. Then a few. And then, if we're lucky, the Zucchini Apocalypse is nigh!
It’s Harvest O’Clock!
Peas are sweet, delicious, and ready to eat. Chamomile and Johnny Jump-ups Rainbow Chard Kale of Many Colors Italian Large-Leaf Basil Lettuces and More Lettuces Yet to come: beets, onions, ginger, and beautiful flowers holding the promise of many, many more...
Life Happens
And it's so beautiful.
Warming Up for Warm-Weather Crops
Chris plants ground cherry (or husk cherry) seedlings. We decided not to grow tomatoes this season, as they take many, many hours of care every week. Ground cherries are a tomato relative that's much easier to grow and is delicious to eat right off the bush like fresh...
How Crops Get Here: Rhubarb
An email arrived from the person who sold her Montpelier home to the mother of one of the garden cofounders. Rhubarb was growing in the garden beside the house, and the seller thoughtfully suggested we might want it for the community garden. Garden cofounder Chris in...
Safe, Successful Small-Scale Composting in a Pandemic
Back in the beforetimes . . . Compostville at the Garden at 485 Elm was built from 2017 to 2019 with help from a generous grant and partners including the Vermont Community Garden Network, the Composting Association of Vermont, and the Central Vermont Solid Waste...
A Day in May on Planet Vermont
This, too, is Vermont gardening. Tender young peas Garlic and herb beds Boxes of salad and leafy greens
Giving Food on Giving Tuesday
The Garden at 485 Elm made an offering on Giving Tuesday: Garden donation team leader Caitlin Roseen brought our extra—and still beautiful—onion starts to the Montpelier Food Pantry. Caitlin writes: These onion starts will be offered to shoppers along with seed...
Planting Days Are Here Again
The new health-and-safety considerations for work parties and gardeners gardening here on their own are working well. Seed and seedlings are in the ground: peas, onions, carrots, salad greens, kale, and more. Art projects and experimental crops are under way. We...