Potato Harvest Day
Potatoes are one of the crops we harvest all at once and divide among gardeners. The others are edamame, garlic, onions, and winter squash. Other share-divided crops, when we grow them, include Brussels sprouts, seed pumpkins, and peanuts. Potatoes took up four short...
What else is growing at the garden?
Very Green: Early Summer in the Garden
The major planting is in. The drop-hose watering system is in. A few projects remain, but the rush is over and we can get down to garden maintenance.
Garlic scapes
Maybe you've seen them at the farmers market and wondered, "What is that and what do I do with it?" For a brief time in late June, we relish the rare treat of garlic scapes. A scape is the flower bud of the garlic plant. Like garlic from the bulb, garlic scapes are...
Gardening at the Solstice
The light looks like midday. But it's nearly 7 p.m. and the light lingered for hours more.
The light at the end of first big garden push
The sun shines on The Garden at 485 Elm a few minutes longer each day. The warmth propels seeds into germination, plants into flower, and gardeners into productivity.
Volunteers Make Our garden Grow
Six volunteers from the Vermont Youth Tomorrow AmeriCorps VISTA Program (VYT) worked hard in the garden this week. They completed three important projects and made headway on several others.
Scenes from a Growing Garden
Nothing is ever "finished" in a garden. But the important work and the growing are well underway.
“Now Harvesting”
That's the call we wait for every season. It means there's a list of crops ready for us to eat. Here's some of what we're eating.
Building and Planting: The Home Stretch
These are among the last beds we still need to build. The hemlock structures will support San Marzano and Amish Paste tomatoes.
Planting Week
Many weeks involve planting here at the Garden at 485 Elm. But here in Vermont, when we can get a hard frost as late as Memorial Day, the big planting push means waiting until frost warnings are really over, then urgently planting as many heat-loving crops as we can...
Tomatoes are planted, fed, tied, and trimmed.
It's been tomato week here at The Garden at 485 Elm. That's not counting seven cherry tomato plants in boxes and six Amish paste tomato plants that will go in this weekend.