The Power of Flowers
The garden is overflowing with fresh vegetables, herbs, and, yes, flowers. Three rows and trellises for climbing flowers host varieties that attract pollinators, beautify the garden, and bloom for gardeners who harvest them, take them home, and give them as gifts....
What else is growing at the garden?
Volunteers in the garden
These delicious ground cherries are volunteers from last year’s tomato beds. The ground cherries and other Solanaceae we planted this year in Bed 4 are still coming along.
Herb Walk at The Garden at 485 Elm
Update: On Thursday, August 18, 5:30-7 p.m., we enjoyed an herb walk with one of our community gardeners, Ella Malamud. Ella invited us into the bounty of medicine in our Garden and/or how to replace a trip to a drug store with a trip to the garden. Learn to...
Media moments in the garden
Barre-Montpelier Times Argus photographer Stefan Hard wrote and illustrated this story. Times Argus videographer David Smith added dimension with this video of gardeners in action. https://vimeo.com/175741141
Franken-Peas Found Here
Peas need picking daily in order to continue growing. The more we pick, the more peas will grow. In fact, if we don't pick them, the vines start to die. Why "Franken-Peas"? Because the peas we find deep inside the vines are usually huge to bursting. Depending on the...
Bee balm salad
Bee balm grows in the perennial bed outside the garden fence along the road. It's delicious as well as beautiful. Bee balm is a member of the mint family. Its petals are sweet and delicious.
Video: Moving From Scarcity to Abundance
"Shifting the focus of the Montpelier Food Pantry from hunger relief to food justice." ~ Joseph Kiefer, Central Vermont Food Systems Council The Central Vermont Food Systems Council and Just Basics, Inc. created a very special evening about local food systems and...
Planting Lots, Eating Well
Today we nearly cleared the seedling table of the plants we started and purchased. ...
Living with the River
On a beautiful Tuesday evening during National Pollinator Week, naturalist and gardener at 485 Elm Ned Swanberg led a group along the river. Ned's presentation, "Living with the North Branch," introduced us to our follow residents in the plant and animal world. Plants...
People transform a garden
On June 11, we built garden beds, installed tomato structures, and planted tomatoes, greens, and other crops. ...
Our Frenemies in the Garden
On a cool evening, our garden coordinator Cindy led a guided tour of the garden’s bugs. We coexist with beneficial bugs. We eliminate those that destroy crops using organic practices. Good Bugs During the recent Bug Walk we found the spotted lady beetle, which eats...