The Garden at 485 Elm
People growing together:
A collaborative community garden in Montpelier, Vermont

Welcome to The Garden!

First Garden Food of the Season

First Garden Food of the Season

French sorrel is among the first garden crops to appear and the last being harvested before the garden goes to sleep for the winter. This perennial herb has a lemony tang to brighten up any salad or sandwich. It is a cooking herb, and gardeners share French sorrel...

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What else is growing at the garden?

First Frost Changes Everything

First Frost Changes Everything

Montpelier finally had its first frost warning: thirty-one degrees. The garden grows down by the North Branch of the Winooski River. Here, it stays a bit warmer, but we weren't taking any chances. Gardeners mobilized to cover the lettuce beds. This keeps us in salads,...

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Floral Interlude

Floral Interlude

Liz le Serviget, the garden's flower goddess, as seen by photographer and fellow gardener Irina Markova. Did you notice sweetest Melchi in the background?

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Discoveries beyond the Garden Fence

Discoveries beyond the Garden Fence

The wild-growing area beyond the garden fence was mowed lawn until 2015. That's when we partnered with Friends of the Winooski River and US Fish and Wildlife biologists to restore 0.7 acres along the North Branch of the Winooski River with native riparian plants and...

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Happy Garden Day to You!

Happy Garden Day to You!

Food and flowers together—beautiful inspiration! Harvesting flowers is good for the plants' health. Filling our homes with flowers is good for our mental health. Everybody wins.

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The Garden Bounty Is Here

The Garden Bounty Is Here

Cucumbers have arrived. On the left are green finger cucumbers, on the right, marketmore cukes. Thinning beets and harvesting beets are now the same task. And mighty tasty too! We glean in our own garden. The lopped-off mustard green flowers will make a delicious and...

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Volunteers Help Make This Garden Grow

Volunteers Help Make This Garden Grow

In two hours, three positive, productive, and skilled volunteers erased several hours’ worth of work from the hardworking gardeners’ docket. In contrast to the pounding rain and shin-high puddles that washed out our June 20 volunteer day, yesterday was gloriously...

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Afternoon among the Herbs

Afternoon among the Herbs

On a gorgeous September afternoon, we experienced delicious and clinically helpful herbs. Our guide was a gardener here who is also a clinical herbalist intern at the Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism. They work with herbs from appreciation for traditional...

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Gratitude: UVM TREKkies transform the garden!

Gratitude: UVM TREKkies transform the garden!

Volunteers worked here in the garden all day. It was part of their three-day, peer-led orientation adventures for incoming first-year students at University of Vermont. Many hands accomplished needful projects that we hadn't tackled amid the ongoing demands of garden...

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Zinnias, cosmos, and daisies

Zinnias, cosmos, and daisies

Food isn't all we grow here at the Garden at 485 Elm. Liz, our flower goddess, makes sure we have cultivated and wild blooming things to calm our spirits and beautify our homes. Gardeners can snip all the blossoms they want. We cut bouquets and give them to our...

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Food is love. And we love our community.

Food is love. And we love our community.

Here's a word from the garden's donation team leader, Caitlin Roseen. The first garden donation of 2019 is in the books! This beautiful bunch of garlic scapes was given to Bethany Bowl, which is one of the free community lunch programs in Montpelier. The lunch...

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