What’s new in the garden includes history
Gardeners have been busy planting early crops. Seeds now growing include arugula, chard, kale, pac choi, snow & snap peas, mustard greens, and spinach. Garlic planted in November 2023 emerges this spring. Crops planted in previous seasons are coming up too....
What else is growing at the garden?
Season of Abundance
Just like that, the garden is vivid, with leafy profusion in many colors. We're dining on garden food daily, and it seems we could harvest lettuces and chard forever. Flowers are blooming, ready for gardeners to cut and and fill their homes. Our greens boxes are...
Hello, summer garden!
Join us for a planting-bed-prep workshop!
P.S. It went great! We learned lots and planted mesclun mixes in well-prepped soil. Please join us at the Garden at 485 Elm for "Soils & Bed Prep for Home Vegetable Gardeners," sponsored by University of Vermont Extension Master Gardener. Registration is required...
Soup’s On!
The season began slowly with a cold, wet June. We planted and replanted. Finally, crops are ready for regular harvesting. How do we share all this food? We harvest lettuce, chard, kale and other greens so they continue to produce as long and as much as possible. We...
You *can* eat the daisies!
Our herb walk with herbalist Diana Baron fell on a gorgeous late spring evening and revealed a big food surprise: daisies! How did I not know this?The buds, leaves, and stems of daisies have a subtle, herbish flavor and crisp texture. Salads will never be the same....
485 Elm Gardeners Protect Honeybees
Mike and Robin Harris, who garden here at 485 Elm, tend honeybee hives at home. Recently, on WCAX-TV, Robin, Mike, and our garden's UVM Extension Master Composter project lead, Andrea Stander, discussed Vermont's efforts to protect honeybees. Honeybees' survival and...
Compostville 3.0 is underway!
The third iteration of Compostville is online and soon will be accepting gardeners' food scraps! The short videos below demonstrate the system and clarify some dos and don'ts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjD_8LTgsnQ Here's the garden's UVM Extension Master...
First Major Planting Complete
We've planted seeds and some seedlings that don't require consistently warm soil and sun: beans, beets, Brussels sprouts, carrots, chard, cilantro, kale, onions, parsley, peas, salad greens, squashes, and spinach. We even had time to rebuild the tomatillo box. Here...
Early garden food
Most of our garden crops are barely peeking out of the ground—tiny peas vines, baby bean plants, onion seedlings, and lovely little lettuce infants. Not yet. To keep the harvest growing and share among our many households, we don't harvest heads or pull out whole...
Sunday in the Dirt
Our first big garden work party of the season! It was a gorgeous sunny day, so comfortable for gardening. We knocked off the entire to-do list. Of course, now we have a whole new to-do list to tackle. French sorrel: Eat it as a salad green, flavorful soup herb, and...