A Bouquet a Day Is the Beautiful Way
Flowers are a cherished garden crop. Gardeners snip blooms to brighten their homes and give gifts that warm hearts. For garden flowers to look like this, gardeners put in planning, work, and TLC. Members of the garden's Flower Power team select, start, plant, tend,...
What else is growing at the garden?
Last garden work party: brussels sprouts harvest
Autumn activity in the garden has been varied, busy, and delicious. Posts here have not kept up. Until we get to posting about garlic planting and other garden doings, please enjoy these images from the last garden work party of the season. It was brussels sprouts...
Garden Cleanup
There's still collards, kale, mustards, collards, and Brussels sprouts growing in the garden. But after several frosts many annuals are done for the season. Gardeners removed plants that are done for the season and laid them on the garden waste windrow to break down...
Edamame, Year Two
Last season a gardener scored edamame seed, which can be hard to come by. Perhaps you've eaten edamame at a Japanese restaurant. You might have been served a steaming plate of salted pods for eating the tender legumes within. That's an experience the garden now allows...
Winter Squash Harvest
Harvesting the winter squash happened so quickly that it was over before we could grab photos in the squash bed! Over at the seed pumpkin bed, the work went fast as well. These small pumpkins are called "hulless," as in no pumpkin flesh to eat. They're full of seeds...
A Taste of What We’re Enjoying in Late Peak Garden
In addition to what's pictured here, we're harvesting and enjoying arugula, basil, beans of many colors, beets, carrots, catnip, chili peppers, chives, cucumbers, edamame, eggplants, French sorrel, ground cherries, lemon balm, nasturtiums, oregano, sunflowers, summer...
Harvesting Edamame—Except for the Seed Plants
When the edamame plant leaves turn yellow, it's time to harvest the crop. Gardeners harvested all but the sixteen plants closest to edamame perfection. Those will continue to mature. We'll harvest them later and save and dry the seeds to plant next year's crop....
University of Vermont TREK Team: Gratitude All Around
For several season, the garden has partnered with the University of Vermont TREK program's service track for incoming first-year students. Enthusiastic teams spend a couple of hours pitching in to help projects feeding the community, including community gardens like...
The Potato and Onion Harvests Are In
For most crops in the Garden at 485 Elm, gardeners harvest whatever's ready to eat. Greens, beans, peas, eggplants, peppers, summer squash, and herbs are harvest as we go. A few crops we harvest all at once then divide by the number of gardener households for...
Garlic harvest day
Every fall, we plant garlic from seed. A garlic seed is one clove of garlic. We harvest the crop the following season just after midsummer. Garlic is the one crop we save seed from for planting the entire next crop. On a perfect July morning, gardeners from sixteen...
The Garden of Eating
Ripe husk cherries, aka ground cherries. These sweet-tart treats are related to tomatoes and grow on low bushy plants. Haricots verts and other bush beans are bursting on the vine. We cleared the vines of mature beans so new ones can grow and brought packed full-size...